Database ID | G5639 |
Database UUID: | 440f9c03-ff44-4d3f-98e5-91785bb7b0be |
Name: | District of Mesaoria |
Transcribed name: | Kaza-ı Mesarya |
Category: | district (kaza) |
Administrative dependency: | Subprovince of Cyprus |
Ottoman legal status of population: | mixed |
Total of property values by type (in kuruş): | 2,797,277.50 |
Property values in kuruş and percentages by type: |
General statistics | |
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Land (area in dönüm)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Land (value in kuruş)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Trees (value in kuruş)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Buildings (value in kuruş)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Animals (number)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Animals (value in kuruş)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Total value of properties (in kuruş)
Subprovince of Cyprus:
Persons in this and dependant locations | |||
Name | Ottoman legal status | Location | Value (in kuruş) |
non-muslim (ehl-i zimmet) | Kalopsida | 29,230.00 |
non-muslim (ehl-i zimmet) | Tuzla İskelesinde sakin ve mütemekkin olan Avrupa Tüccarlarından Cera Veled-i Niko'nun Çiftliği | 4,000.00 |
european protected (müstemin) | District of Mesaoria | 33,550.00 |
european protected (müstemin) | İsveç Konsolosu Kostantin Peristyani'nin Çiftliği | 29,300.00 |
european protected (müstemin) | Prusya Konsolosu Yakumeto Madei'nin Çiftliği | 10,560.00 |
muslim (ehl-i islam) | Vatili | 4,075.00 |
muslim (ehl-i islam) | Vatili | 2,790.00 |
muslim (ehl-i islam) | Vatili | 310.00 |
muslim (ehl-i islam) | Vatili | 820.00 |
non-muslim (ehl-i zimmet) | Vatili | 539.00 |
Statistics per land type | |||
Land use | Records | Land area (in dönüm) | Value (in kuruş) |
001 Land (all types) | 4,064 | 114,431.13 | 1,375,343.50 |
002 land with vegetation | 1,969 | 38,210.38 | 870,713.50 |
003 enclosed land with trees (eşcarlı fırahti) | 11 | 53.50 | 1,490.00 |
004 enclosed land with trees (firahti eşcarı) | 4 | 20.50 | 385.00 |
005 enclosed land with trees (fırahti maa eşcar) | 1 | 4.00 | 400.00 |
006 tree crops | 99 | 134.38 | 19,830.00 |
007 mulberry crops | 70 | 67.88 | 15,175.00 |
008 mulberry garden (dutlu bağçe) | 9 | 7.25 | 612.50 |
009 mulberry garden with well (dut bağçesi ma dolab) | 7 | 12.50 | 1,250.00 |
010 enclosed land with mulberry trees (dut eşcarlı fırahti) | 1 | 1.00 | 75.00 |
011 mulberry garden with running water (ma-i cari dutluk) | 2 | 4.00 | 9,000.00 |
012 garden with mulberry trees (dut eşcarlı bağçe) | 1 | 1.00 | 100.00 |
013 mulberry garden with well (dut bağçesi maa dolap) | 1 | 1.00 | 100.00 |
014 mulberry garden with well (dolaplı ve tutlu bağçe) | 1 | 4.00 | 200.00 |
015 mulberry garden with fruits and well (dolap ve meyveli dut bahçesi) | 1 | 0.50 | 37.50 |
016 enclosed lands with mulberry trees (dutlu fırahti) | 1 | 2.00 | 150.00 |
017 mulberry garden (dut bağçesi̇) | 44 | 29.63 | 3,100.00 |
018 mulberry garden with well (bağçe dutlu ma' dolap) | 1 | 1.00 | 150.00 |
019 mulberry garden with well (dutlu bağçe ma' dolap) | 1 | 4.00 | 400.00 |
020 olive crops | 3 | 7.00 | 630.00 |
021 enclosed area with with olive trees (fırahti maa zeytun) | 1 | 0.50 | 100.00 |
022 enclosed area with olive trees (fırahti zeytunlarıyla) | 1 | 4.50 | 450.00 |
023 olive garden (zeytun bağçesi) | 1 | 2.00 | 80.00 |
024 fig tree crops | 4 | 10.00 | 500.00 |
025 garden lot with fig trees (bağçe yeri maa incir eşcarı) | 1 | 2.00 | 120.00 |
026 fig garden (inci̇r bağçesi̇) | 1 | 3.00 | 150.00 |
027 field with fig trees (incir eşcarlı tarla) | 1 | 4.00 | 200.00 |
028 enclosed land with fig trees (firahti ma' incir) | 1 | 1.00 | 30.00 |
029 almond tree crop | 1 | 0.00 | 15.00 |
030 almond tree garden (bağ-ı badem) | 1 | 0.00 | 15.00 |
031 tree garden (eşcârli bağçe) | 18 | 48.00 | 3,160.00 |
032 fruit garden (meyveli̇ bağçe) | 3 | 1.50 | 350.00 |
033 non tree crop | 1,557 | 30,331.00 | 720,160.50 |
034 vegetable | 15 | 9.00 | 760.00 |
035 vegetable garden (sebze bağçe) | 15 | 9.00 | 760.00 |
036 black-eyed peas | 15 | 86.00 | 3,050.00 |
037 black-eyed peas field (börülce tarlası) | 15 | 86.00 | 3,050.00 |
038 tobacco | 3 | 26.50 | 152.50 |
039 tobacco field (duhan tarlası) | 1 | 1.00 | 20.00 |
040 barren tobacco field (kiraç duhani tarla) | 1 | 25.00 | 125.00 |
041 enclosed land with tobacco (tütün firahti) | 1 | 0.50 | 7.50 |
042 cotton | 1,137 | 18,683.00 | 611,260.50 |
043 cotton field (pembe) | 1 | 2.00 | 50.00 |
044 cotton field (pembe tarlasi) | 1,094 | 18,019.00 | 589,325.50 |
045 cotton field with waterwheel well (dolap kuyusuyla pembe tarlası) | 1 | 13.00 | 520.00 |
046 cotton field inside a garden with water wheel (dolaplı bağçe derununda pembe tarlası) | 1 | 35.00 | 3,500.00 |
047 cotton field with water wheel (pembe tarlası maa dolab) | 1 | 3.00 | 150.00 |
048 cotton field (penbe tarla) | 3 | 19.00 | 530.00 |
049 abundantly-irrigated cotton fıeld (su basar pembe tarlası) | 18 | 173.00 | 5,115.00 |
050 other cotton field (diğer pembe tarlası) | 1 | 30.00 | 900.00 |
051 irrigated cotton field (sulu penbe tarlası) | 3 | 9.00 | 270.00 |
052 cotton field (penbe tarlası) | 13 | 378.00 | 10,840.00 |
053 abundantly-irrigated cotton field (su basar penbe tarlası) | 1 | 2.00 | 60.00 |
054 vineyard | 53 | 80.00 | 2,672.50 |
055 vineyard (bağ) | 53 | 80.00 | 2,672.50 |
056 grains | 303 | 11,276.50 | 90,660.00 |
057 grain field (eki̇n tarlasi) | 148 | 11,037.00 | 83,615.00 |
058 fodder field (hasıllık) | 148 | 223.50 | 6,405.00 |
059 fodder field (hasıllık tarla) | 4 | 6.00 | 120.00 |
060 fodder garden (hasıllık bağçe) | 3 | 10.00 | 520.00 |
061 Madder fields (Boya tarlaları) | 31 | 170.00 | 11,605.00 |
062 madder field (boya tarlasi) | 31 | 170.00 | 11,605.00 |
063 mixed tree crops | 16 | 11.00 | 1,100.00 |
064 garden with mulberry and other fruit-bearing trees (dutlu ve meyveli bağçe) | 16 | 11.00 | 1,100.00 |
065 fields, gardens and similar | 286 | 7,680.50 | 128,133.00 |
066 irrigated field (sulu tarla) | 1 | 5.00 | 125.00 |
067 irrigated private field (sulu hassa tarla) | 1 | 3.00 | 150.00 |
068 garden with waterwheel (bağçe ma' dolap) | 1 | 3.00 | 90.00 |
069 garden field (bağçe tarla) | 1 | 8.00 | 160.00 |
070 field with waterwheel (dolaplı tarla) | 2 | 23.00 | 1,050.00 |
071 garden without well (kuyusuz bağçe) | 1 | 3.00 | 60.00 |
072 garden ground with well (kuyulu bağçe tarlası) | 1 | 6.00 | 250.00 |
073 garden with well (kuyulu bağçe) | 2 | 10.00 | 450.00 |
074 field with well (kuyulu tarla) | 1 | 5.00 | 250.00 |
075 ruined garden (harab bağçe) | 2 | 24.00 | 2,100.00 |
076 irrigated garden (sulu bağçe) | 2 | 14.00 | 700.00 |
077 garden (bağçe) | 8 | 24.00 | 1,190.00 |
078 orchard field (bostan tarlasi) | 2 | 18.00 | 1,300.00 |
079 garden field (bağçe tarlasi) | 5 | 11.00 | 650.00 |
080 garden with waterwheel (dolaplı bağçe) | 41 | 223.00 | 13,250.00 |
081 garden with fruits and waterwheel (meyveli ve dolaplı bağçe) | 5 | 6.00 | 575.00 |
082 garden with waterwheel and trees (dolaplı ve eşcarlı bağçe) | 7 | 33.00 | 2,800.00 |
083 other fruit garden with water wheel (diğer dolaplı meyve bağçesi) | 1 | 6.00 | 600.00 |
084 field (tarla) | 144 | 5,513.00 | 82,888.00 |
085 garden with water pump well (dolab kuyusu ile bağçe) | 1 | 6.00 | 450.00 |
086 fruit garden (meyve bahçesi) | 8 | 14.00 | 1,200.00 |
087 garden with fruit-bearing trees (eşcar-ı müsmireli bağçe) | 2 | 8.00 | 475.00 |
088 garden with trees (bağçe ma' eşcar) | 2 | 22.00 | 2,000.00 |
089 deserted garden (viran bağçe) | 22 | 123.50 | 4,825.00 |
090 deserted field (hâli tarla) | 6 | 1,484.00 | 7,420.00 |
091 torrent field (dere tarlası) | 1 | 15.00 | 375.00 |
092 garden lot (bağçe yeri) | 4 | 30.00 | 1,350.00 |
093 shared field (yarılı tarla) | 1 | 6.00 | 450.00 |
094 building lot (hane yeri) | 1 | 0.00 | 50.00 |
095 irrigated field (su basar tarla) | 10 | 34.00 | 900.00 |
096 edna | 1 | 45.00 | 225.00 |
097 other land use | 779 | 821.25 | 35,492.50 |
098 threshing floor (harman) | 640 | 689.50 | 9,220.00 |
099 threshing floor (harman yeri) | 48 | 67.50 | 870.00 |
100 enclosed land (fırahti) | 49 | 68.25 | 5,800.00 |
101 enclosed land and threshing floor (fırahti ve harman) | 2 | 3.50 | 350.00 |
102 other running water fountain (diğer ma-yı cari) | 1 | 0.00 | 4,000.00 |
103 running/flowing water (ma-yi cari) | 72 | 56.50 | 3,175.00 |
104 old water wheel with running water (kadim ma-yı cari dolaplık) | 3 | 0.00 | 3,500.00 |
105 water share (su hissesi) | 4 | 1.00 | 272.50 |
106 well with running water (dolaplık ma-yı cari) | 3 | 0.00 | 6,000.00 |
107 running water (ma-i cari) | 3 | 1.00 | 1,500.00 |
108 pen (mandira) | 1 | 1.00 | 75.00 |
109 garden with waterwheel (bağçe tarlası maa dolab) | 1 | 4.00 | 200.00 |
110 running water for one well (ma-ı cari bir dolaplık) | 1 | 0.00 | 1,000.00 |
111 water-related infrastructure | 1 | 0.00 | 750.00 |
112 old fountain with tank (kadim ma-i cari maa havuz) | 1 | 0.00 | 750.00 |
113 land without vegetation | 1,315 | 75,354.50 | 468,912.50 |
114 barren field (kiraç tarla) | 1,314 | 75,353.50 | 468,887.50 |
115 barren cotton field (kıraç pembe tarlası) | 2 | 125.00 | 1,375.00 |
116 barren garden with well (kıraç kuyulu bağçe) | 1 | 3.00 | 180.00 |
117 deserted plot (hâli̇ arsa) | 5 | 7.00 | 220.00 |
118 deserted plot (arsa-i haliye) | 4 | 2.00 | 170.00 |
119 barren (kıraç) | 47 | 2,253.00 | 14,155.00 |
120 barren field (kiraç tarlası) | 5 | 154.00 | 1,195.00 |
121 pen lot (-mandıra yeri) | 1 | 1.00 | 25.00 |
Statistics per tree type | |||
Tree type | Records | Quantity | Value (in kuruş) |
001 Tree (all types) | 442 | 5,906 | 66,731.00 |
002 Μulberry tree (all types) | 11 | 1,130 | 3,842.00 |
003 mulberry trees (dut) | 1 | 5 | 25.00 |
004 mulberry trees (eşcar-ı dut) | 3 | 44 | 112.00 |
005 mulberry trees (dut eşcarı) | 3 | 1,022 | 3,320.00 |
006 scattered mulberry trees (perakende dut eşcarı) | 1 | 40 | 120.00 |
007 mulberry tree (dut ağacı) | 3 | 19 | 265.00 |
008 olive tree (all types) | 358 | 4,477 | 61,190.00 |
009 olive trees (zeytun eşcarı) | 5 | 81 | 1,080.00 |
010 plateau olive (ova zeytuni) | 4 | 18 | 180.00 |
011 plateau olive (ova zeytun) | 1 | 8 | 80.00 |
012 plateau and mountain olive tree (zeytun-ı ova ve dağ) | 1 | 45 | 450.00 |
013 olive sapling (zeytun fidanı) | 1 | 150 | 1,500.00 |
014 olive tree (şecer-i zeytun) | 1 | 1 | 10.00 |
015 plateau olive (zeytun-ı ova) | 19 | 83 | 890.00 |
016 mountain olive (zeytun-ı dağ) | 39 | 509 | 13,660.00 |
017 mountain olive tree (dağ zeyti̇ni̇) | 135 | 2,528 | 30,365.00 |
018 olive trees (eşcar-ı zeytun 2) | 39 | 285 | 3,615.00 |
019 olive tree (zeytun 2) | 70 | 515 | 5,635.00 |
020 plataeu olive tree (ovada zeytun 2) | 6 | 20 | 250.00 |
021 plateau olive tree (ova zeytini 2) | 37 | 234 | 3,475.00 |
022 fig trees | 19 | 72 | 469.00 |
023 fig trees (incir ağacı) | 1 | 10 | 100.00 |
024 fig (incir) | 6 | 12 | 54.00 |
025 fig trees (eşcar-ı incir) | 4 | 32 | 210.00 |
026 fig trees (incir eşcarı) | 7 | 17 | 100.00 |
027 fig trees (inci̇r eşcari) | 1 | 1 | 5.00 |
028 Almond tree (all types) | 4 | 10 | 50.00 |
029 almond trees (eşcar-ı badem 2) | 3 | 9 | 45.00 |
030 almond tree (badem 2) | 1 | 1 | 5.00 |
031 carob trees | 50 | 217 | 1,180.00 |
032 carob tree (harub 2) | 25 | 136 | 665.00 |
033 carob trees (eşcar-ı harub) | 1 | 2 | 10.00 |
034 carob trees (harub eşcarı) | 23 | 76 | 490.00 |
035 carob tree (harub ağacı) | 1 | 3 | 15.00 |
Statistics per building type | |||
Building use | Records | Quantity | Value (in kuruş) |
001 Building (all types) | 2,382 | 3,048 | 547,867.00 |
002 house (hane) | 2,135 | 2,141 | 514,972.00 |
003 other house (diğer hane) | 5 | 5 | 1,500.00 |
004 ruined house (harab hane) | 1 | 1 | 150.00 |
005 two-storey house (fevkani ve tahtani hane) | 3 | 3 | 13,000.00 |
006 houses (haneler) | 1 | 1 | 600.00 |
007 houses part of an estate (çiftlik) (çiftlik haneleri) | 1 | 1 | 2,000.00 |
008 two-storey house with stable and barn (hane-i fevkani ve tahtani ma' ahιr samanlık) | 1 | 1 | 800.00 |
009 house inside garden (derun-ı bağçede hane) | 1 | 1 | 200.00 |
010 house with stable and barn (hane ma-ahır ve samanlık) | 2 | 2 | 1,500.00 |
011 house with olive trees (hane ma zeytun) | 1 | 1 | 200.00 |
012 other house (defa hane) | 8 | 8 | 4,500.00 |
013 shop/warehouse (dükkan) | 5 | 5 | 2,000.00 |
014 grocery (bakkal dükkani) | 4 | 4 | 1,800.00 |
015 olive workshop (zeytun karhanesi) | 1 | 1 | 200.00 |
016 agricultural buildings | 54 | 55 | 4,945.00 |
017 barn (samanlik) | 1 | 1 | 100.00 |
018 pen (mandıra) | 41 | 42 | 2,995.00 |
019 pen lot (mandıra yeri) | 3 | 3 | 130.00 |
020 ruined pen (harabe mandıra) | 1 | 1 | 100.00 |
021 pen and room (mandıra ve oda) | 3 | 3 | 420.00 |
022 estate (çiftlik) with stable and barn (çiftlik ma' ahır ve samanlık) | 1 | 1 | 600.00 |
023 vineyard house (bağ hane) | 1 | 1 | 300.00 |
024 pen and house (mandıra ve hane) | 1 | 1 | 100.00 |
025 pen and shed (mandıra ve sundurma) | 2 | 2 | 200.00 |
026 part of building | 2 | 2 | 340.00 |
027 room | 1 | 1 | 90.00 |
028 room in cotton garden (pembe bağçesinde oda) | 1 | 1 | 90.00 |
029 house entrance hall (hane önü) | 1 | 1 | 250.00 |
030 storeroom (mahzen) | 1 | 1 | 100.00 |
031 store (mağaza) | 1 | 1 | 100.00 |
032 building for animals | 160 | 821 | 6,735.00 |
033 beehive (ari kovani) | 157 | 808 | 5,335.00 |
034 stable and barn (ahir ve samanlik) | 2 | 12 | 1,200.00 |
035 camel fold (develi̇k) | 1 | 1 | 200.00 |
036 auxilliary structures | 5 | 4 | 6,650.00 |
037 water wheel well (dolab kuyusu) | 1 | 1 | 150.00 |
038 water wheel (dolablık) | 2 | 1 | 2,000.00 |
039 house with yard (hane havlu) | 1 | 1 | 2,500.00 |
040 water wheel with running water (ma-yı cari dolaplık) | 1 | 1 | 2,000.00 |
041 Mills | 20 | 19 | 12,125.00 |
042 olive mill (zeytun değirmanı) | 2 | 2 | 400.00 |
043 olive oil mill (yağ deği̇rmeni̇) | 9 | 8 | 1,925.00 |
044 flour mill (un değirmeni) | 2 | 2 | 1,000.00 |
045 oil mill (yağ değirmeni) | 2 | 2 | 1,300.00 |
046 Watermills | 3 | 3 | 6,500.00 |
047 winter mill (kiş deği̇rmeni̇) | 2 | 2 | 4,000.00 |
048 water mill (su değirmeni) | 1 | 1 | 2,500.00 |
049 horse mill (at deği̇rmeni̇) | 2 | 2 | 1,000.00 |
Statistics per animal type | |||
Animal type | Records | Quantity | Value (in kuruş) |
001 Animal (all types) | 1,776 | 47,342 | 540,711.00 |
002 sheep (agnam) | 844 | 43,991 | 353,792.00 |
003 sheep (koyun) | 4 | 175 | 1,400.00 |
004 horse (bargi̇r) | 111 | 166 | 29,690.00 |
005 mare (kisrak) | 75 | 124 | 23,600.00 |
006 mare with colt (kisrak ma tay) | 1 | 1 | 250.00 |
007 mare and colt (kisrak ve tay) | 10 | 25 | 3,750.00 |
008 colt (tay) | 10 | 10 | 525.00 |
009 horse used for water-wheel well (dolap bargiri) | 1 | 1 | 150.00 |
010 horse and mare (bargir ve kısrak) | 1 | 2 | 250.00 |
011 camel (deve) | 16 | 62 | 16,060.00 |
012 young camel ([deve] küçüğü) | 5 | 10 | 1,000.00 |
013 head camel of a caravan (deve katar) | 1 | 6 | 1,800.00 |
014 cow (inek) | 572 | 713 | 50,630.00 |
015 calf (dana) | 294 | 342 | 15,545.00 |
016 suckling calf (buzaği) | 294 | 342 | 15,545.00 |
017 pair of cows (çift inek) | 22 | 26 | 4,950.00 |
018 pair of cows (inek çift) | 5 | 5 | 850.00 |
019 cow with calf (inek ma buzaği) | 11 | 28 | 1,770.00 |
020 cow and calf (inek ve buzaği) | 23 | 60 | 4,830.00 |
021 wild cow (yabani inek) | 2 | 3 | 225.00 |
022 mule (katir) | 145 | 173 | 59,480.00 |
023 baby mule (tay katır) | 2 | 2 | 350.00 |
024 well mule (dolab katırı) | 6 | 6 | 2,000.00 |
025 goat (keçi̇) | 4 | 287 | 2,296.00 |
026 ox (öküz) | 71 | 89 | 13,875.00 |
027 young ox (öküz tosun) | 1 | 1 | 250.00 |
028 goat and sheep (keçi ve koyun) | 13 | 1,861 | 14,888.00 |
029 sheep and goat (ağnam ve keçi) | 3 | 620 | 4,960.00 |
030 sheep and goat (koyun ve keçi̇) | 9 | 1,211 | 9,688.00 |