Overview of the information

Nicosia, Cyprus. Photograph by John Thomson, 1878 (c) Wellcome Collection, 19762i

People and Society

Who were the 25,240 persons recorded in the survey and what property did they hold? What were their names and how were they recorded in Ottoman Turkish? What was the distribution of wealth in nineteenth-century Cyprus?

Economy and Environment

What did Cypriots cultivate on their lands? Which crops were the most valuable? How was water-management organised? What was the distribution of lands, trees, gardens, orchards, buildings, or animals?

Identified geographic features Example thematic map

Settlements and Maps

Where did Cypriots live and where did they hold properties? What were the administrative divisions of Ottoman Cyprus? What was the distribution of different kinds of property? How can we visualise the data on a map?

Statistics Statistics


What is the 1832/33 Ottoman property survey of Cyprus? Why did the Ottomans decide to conduct such a survey? What is the content of the survey, how is the data organised in its original form, and how did we design the project database?

ML.VRD.TMT.d.16152. Volume 1: Nicosia (Lefkoşa), Kythrea (Değirmenlik), Orini (Dağ), Morphou (Amorfa), Famagusta (Mağusa), Karpasia (Karpas)
ML.VRD.TMT.d.16153. Volume 2: Larnaka (Tuzla), Mesaoria (Mesarya), Kyrenia (Giriniye)
ML.VRD.TMT.d.16154. Volume 3: Limassol (Limason), Episkopi (Piskobu), Koilani (Gilan), Avdimou (Avdim)
ML.VRD.TMT.d.16155. Volume 4: Paphos (Baf), Kouklia (Kukla), Chrysochou (Hırsofi), Lefka (Lefke)
Geography Department of Harokopio University and Sylvia Ioannou Foundation (2021).. Economy, environment and landscape in the Cypriot longue durée: The 1832/33 Ottoman Property Survey of Cyprus. Home page. Retrieved from: https://cyprus1833.hua.gr/en/ on 13/02/2025.